body aches.. I need a massage..! lol.. been feelin very lethargic these weeks. Going for lectures, rushing out assignments blah blah. Its reali torturing on my health! Days wen I hav lectures, by the time I get home its already 11+! And I actually 'took a rest' during lectures, lol. Too tired, so I doze off for awhile..hehe.
Tis term is really bad. I really cant understand wad the lecturer is saying! Save me. He toks like a bullet train, I cld only catch like 50%? Hai. My fren feedback tt to him, askin him to slow down, guess wad he said? 'oh that is not possible. Askin me to slow down is like askin me to stand wif one leg'. Wa lau,.. ok lor. His lessons are also very draggy.. sigh sigh.
These tiredness have made me lose some of my memory. Brain cells are dying.. seriously cant recall wad I’ve been doin lately. Using the pictures I took to recap now..
Taking wif de beautiful flowers my boy gave me for V-day:

Bah. He was late, and I cld feel de unhappiness in me. Msged him..and he stil replied me in a very nice manner = very unlike him! So wen I finally met up wif him, he took out de bouquet of flowers wif de cute little bear that goes “'mmwahhh I love u I love u'. gee, in the car, he told me he was late bcos he wen to get flowers + the florist took her own time to arrange! Lol.. he said 'I had to put down my ego and still msg u nicely lor..'bah. I waited for 1hr+ for him, of cuz will be a little unhappy rite! Ok la, but his reason is accepted:):):) thank you for the beautiful flowers baby~
Oh well, but good things always come to an end. I rem we had a heated argument thereafter in the afternoon. Sigh. What for gimme flowers wen things r still going wrong..hai. took quite a long time to tok it out calmly. I tink we spent de whole Saturday brooding on it. Ever since he entered this unit, de stress level increase and more easily short-termpered. –hugs- I hope things like this wun happen again. Hai. He told me 'sorry to imprint such sad memories into your life. But they’ll remain as memories, good to be forgotten cos it wun happen le. Never u mean a great deal to me, I dun wanna lose u. hope u still love me, cos im always loving u. so many things I wanna tell u, so little time, im sorry for putting u thru this hardship, it’ll be over soon'.
We wen out after tt, but I cant rem where. Spent de nite at my boy’s place before we headed to Raffles City for coffee on Sunday. Hee, took some funny pictures:
his va actress, jeanette aw! hehe..

aint he lucky to have 3 pretty ladies hehe..

Celebrated my mum’s birthday on one of de Saturdays too. It’s a tradition in my family to have a meal togeda, den on de actual day cake-cutting =) dinner was @ Marina Square’s Pariss Buffet! Hee, first time there, so very excited :p the food there is pretty good, esp if you enjoy eating oyster.. salmon etc. it’ll be value for money eh.
My boy picked me up for breakfast on Sunday on de way back fr camp. It was a short day as he was feelin tired. So nothing much about tt day.. –hugs-
some shots taken, thanks to IG:

our fav pic:

jus before leaving:

the love renewal (?):

Happy (very) belated anniversary baby!
We din exactly countdown to the day, but we were by each other’s side tt nite:)
Finally.. I could present to him the scrapbook I’ve been workin on for the past year. Everytime very tempted to show him lor. Den wen I buy those materials, I also cant tell him wad is it for.. so xin ku to keep a surprise! But I tink this the first time I succeeded to make it a surprise! Hehe. De rest.. all he found out earlier.. not fair~
Some snapshots of the scrapbook:

Had a very simple celebration. We woke up early to makan @ Suntec’s Porridge Buffet! Very yummy n cheap! Hehe. Caught the movie ‘Rumour Has It’ too..nice touching show, hehe :p din had much time togeda, but it was a lovely day to remember :p love you.
last wkend was spent @ my boy's fren's birthday party. Happy 21st Birthday Meijun! :p so many March babies! hehe.. :D
You make me love you more and more each day. time is short, I’ll treasure every moment I have with you. I wish tis fairytale wil nv end.. but I feel a bad hunch,. few nites ago, I dreamt of bad things happening to us, like history of my past r/s happening to tis as well, gosh. Hopefully, its just my crazy thoughts running again.. we'll still go thru thick n thin wif each other :) love u as much as u love me :D
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